Cimansazan Company as a member of Iranian manufacturer group of industrial equipment with the aims of improving its standing in the group and its effective presence in the Middle East and Central Asia market has included the implementation of Integrated Management System (IMS) in its plans based on the following standards: ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015, OHSAS 18001:2007.
Cimansazan Co. by implementing IMS based on customer satisfaction, manufacturing of high quality products, Environment protection, safe workplace creation and occupational health & safety observation principals is committed to consider and develop the following goals:
1- Improving customer satisfaction by realizing and planning for providing their requirements
2- Improving knowledge and awareness of the personnel by providing continual trainings and assessing their effectiveness.
3- Motivating personnel by improving performance based management, developing teamwork attitude, following National rules and regulations related to products, environment and occupational health and safety.
4- Controlling and reducing of the waste, noise and pollutants of the water, air and land to prevent environment pollution and optimizing energy and resource consumption.
5- Reduction of the workplace accidents and work based diseases.
Top management of the company has announced its commitment to establishment and development of the IMS and will be ensured from its effectiveness and continual improvement by running reviewing sessions. The company expects its all managers and personnel to consider and apply these items in order to maintain a dynamic, educator, self-controlled and costumer oriented organization.